
Q408 :How big was Prophet Noah’s ark in order to
acnetmodate samples of all species? How could it carry pairs of all
types of creatures from all over the world?

A408 : The divine instruction to Prophet Noah was to
carry on the ark a pair of every species. Certainly the Prophet Noah
netplied with this order and put those creatures on the ark. This must
be understood as relating to the area in which he was and the practical
possibility of implementing Allah’s instruction. We are not told that
Noah traversed the whole globe collecting those animals who were not
available in his area. Nowhere are we told that couples of species from
different climates and faraway geographical areas were guided to go to
Prophet Noah’s place in order to be on the ark. Indeed, there is no
clear indication that the flood covered the whole earth. It certainly
covered the area where the people of Noah lived, so as to exterminate
all creatures other than those who believed in Allah and followed
Prophet Noah. We cannot tell how big the ark was, but it certainly was
big enough to acnetmodate those believers and a pair of each type of
species. May I remind you that in the Qur’an we are told that Noah’s
followers were few.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )