
Q418 :May I ask whether Muslims are permitted to
have orthodontic treatment, whereby teeth are pulled together to close
gaps between them? Does this nete under the same heading as changing
what Allah has created?

A418 : There is an authentic Hadith in which the
Prophet has cursed women who try to give themselves a prettier
appearance by widening the gaps between their teeth, thereby changing
what Allah has created. Those women to whom the Prophet refers used to
take off a part of their teeth with a file or some other tool in order
to make their teeth look smaller and leave gaps between them. In
certain societies, this is considered a mark of beauty. The Prophet has
made it clear that these women deserve to be cursed because they go to
such trouble in order to look beautiful, thereby attracting people’s
admiration. This is an attitude which Islam rejects. On the other
hand, orthodontic treatment seeks to correct irregularities in teeth
and jaws. Some people may have irregularities in various parts of their
bodies. If such an irregularity gives a person physical or mental
disnetfort or pain, then to rectify it is perfectly appropriate
provided that such correction does not involve greater pain. If the
intention is to remove a cause of physical or mental pain, or to give
more self confidence to the person, or to remove what is unsightly,
then it is appropriate.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )