Pendants with

Q420 :In our country, some people have Qur’anic
verses written on a clean, white paper which is then wrapped with the
use of incense and bound by a black cloth. This is worn as a necklace
which is supposed to protect the person wearing it and give him some
social prestige. Is this practice acceptable?

A420 : This sort of thing is known as a charm. The
Prophet has told us that wearing such a charm is very strictly
forbidden, and he has made his statement in the most emphatic way. He
prayed to Allah never to grant the person who wears such a charm the
wishes for which he wears it. As you realize, every prayer or
supplication made by the Prophet is answered by Allah. The Prophet was
once impressed by a poet who wrote a beautiful poem praising Islam and
glorifying Allah. When the poet finished reciting the poem, the Prophet
said to him “May your mouth be protected,” which was the type of thing
Arabs used to say to anyone who speaks well. That poet lived until the
age of 130 without losing a single tooth. Numerous are the examples of
how Allah answered every single prayer the Prophet said. Therefore,
when he prays Allah not to grant the wishes of someone who does a
particular action, then we are sure that those wishes will never be
granted. Let us reflect on the action of wearing a charm. It suggests
that a particular object has certain powers. It may be said that the
power is that of Allah, since it is Qur’anic verses that are written in
such a charm. This is absolute rubbish because Allah’s will does not
work through the writing of Qur’anic verses or hanging a pendant with a
few words from the Qur’an. [Added: or hanging a plaque with Qur’anic
verses with that thinking. However, if the idea is that others may read
the plaque and thereby be blessed by Allah for reading that part of
Qur’an, then that is acceptable.] If one wants to rid himself of the
effects of evil schemes worked by evil persons, then all he has to do
is to supplicate to Allah to protect him. The Prophet has taught us so
many prayers to say at different parts of the day and night. If we do,
then we have that protection. When you make such a prayer, you are
conscious of what you are saying. You are addressing Allah, showing
your submission to Him. When you do so, He responds to your prayer. But
when you wear a charm or you put in your pocket or under your clothes a
piece of paper with Qur’anic verses written on it, you are assuming
that the writing itself has a power of its own. There is no action in
which you are really and truly involved. You are not addressing Allah
at all. This is an action similar to that of a person who keeps a copy
of the Qur’an in his car, hoping that it will help him avoid accidents.
Accidents are avoided by careful driving, not by putting a copy of the
Qur’an in the car. But if you want Allah’s help in avoiding accidents,
you pray Allah when you are about to start your car to help you drive

carefully and avoid any misjudgment on your part and on the part of
other drivers. By so doing, you are asking Allah’s help. He answers the
prayer of anyone who turns to Him for help, acknowledging His Lordship.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )