Pilgrimage: A pillar of

Q425 :Is pilgrimage the fifth pillar of Islam, even
for people living in Saudi Arabia?

A425 : Pilgrimage is the fifth pillar of Islam. This
applies to all Muslims wherever they live. It is needless to say that
pilgrimage is easiest for people of Makkah and surrounding areas.
Still, when these people do the pilgrimage, they receive its reward in
full. You must not forget that a person may live in Makkah for 70 years
and not do the pilgrimage. Hence, one who offers the pilgrimage
acknowledges its place in Islam. Someone may say that a person who
netes from a remote area spends more time and money in performing the
pilgrimage, will he receive the same reward? To this I answer that
Allah is the most just of judges. While the basic reward of pilgrimage
is earned by all pilgrims, Allah may multiply the reward to whomever He
wills. None will be treated unfairly. Pilgrimage: A question of

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )