Pilgrimage: Alongwith a

Q426 :If a child offers the pilgrimage, should his
parent who has taken him to pilgrimate offer a sacrifice on his behalf
in the same way as adults do, should he peform all the rituals of

A426 : When a child is taken to pilgrimage, the
pilgrimage should be netplete. Every duty required in pilgrimage should
be netplete.Every duty required in pilgrimage should be performed
either by the child himself or by his parent acnetpanying him.If the
child is too young to walk, the tawaf counts as that of child and the
father should do his own tawaf later. A reward of the pilgrimage is
credited to the child and an additional reward credited to the parent.
If the pilgrimage is done in the tamattu’ or qiran method, then a
sacrifice on behalf of the child is due in the same way as it is due to
the parent himself.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )