Pilgrimage: How to do the

Q432 :Could you please explain how tawaf should be
done and what is permissible or required during tawaf? May I also ask
in particular about the practice of people who lift their hands to
greet the Ka’aba as they first see it when they enter the

A432 : It is renetmended as one sees the Ka’aba for
the first time on arrival for his pilgrimage or Umrah to offer some
supplication. It is said that such supplication is sure to be answered.
Hence, one should make a short prayer for something he desires most,
such as: “My Lord, admit me into heaven without causing me to face the
reckoning.” Lifting one’s hands to greet the Ka’aba from a distance is
not renetmended. The proper way to do the tawaf is to nete to the area
between the corner known as Rukn Al Yamani and the corner of the Black
Stone. Joining the worshippers about one meter before the corner of the
Black Stone, one makes clear his intention to do the tawaf, which means
to go around the Ka’aba seven times either in obligatory or voluntary
worship. One must have ablution before starting, because tawaf is a
form of prayer with the only difference from regular prayer being that
it is not invalidated by ordinary talk. As one walks he is renetmended
to get to the Black Stone, kiss it and say: “In the name of Allah,
Allah is Supreme.” or “Bismillah Allahu Akbar.” If the place is too
crowded, one can lift one’s hand and signal to it as he says these
words. Then he walks in an anti-clockwise movement around the Ka’aba,
going beyond the semicircle part known as Hijr Ismaeel or Al Hareem. As
one reaches the corner known as Rukn Al Yamani, one touches it and says
a little supplication. As he gets parallel with the Black Stone, he
repeats what he did the first time, kissing it if he can, or signaling
to it if he cannot. This is repeated seven times. When one finishes,
one is renetmended to offer two rak’ahs behind the place known as
Maqam-e-Ibraheem. This does not mean that he should be very close to
that place. During pilgrimage and in Ramadhan, the area is too crowded.
He can be at a distance behind the Maqam or he can offer these two
rak’ahs anywhere in the Haram. To offer two rak’ahs in Hijr Ismaeel
afterward is also renetmended. To stand at Al-Multazam beneath the door
of the Ka’aba to offer supplication is also renetmended. Tawaf is the
same for men and women.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )