Pilgrimage: With netpany loan

Q444 :Pilgrimage: With netpany loan

A444 : If the Company gives loans for buying a car,
it suggests that they they are pleased with your work and intend to
retain you for a long time to nete. That will make it easy for you to
settle the loan by monthly instalments. Moreover, if something should
happen to you, the netpany may take the car and sell it in order to get
back the amount it had loaned. The netpany must consider that the car
represents more than sufficient collateral to ensure the payment of
their loan. It is perhaps worthwhile to explain an important point
about pilgrimage and debt. When a person has incurred a debt, and he
needs some time before being able to settle it, he does not fulfil the
conditions which make him “able” to do the pilgrimage. In other words,
he is not required to do it, since pilgrimage is a duty incumbent on
those who are able to undertake the journey. I have already explained
that by ability, most scholars mean health and financial ability, as
well as the absence of any physical hindrance to prevent from taking
the journey. The condition of financial ability is not met by anyone
who has a loan to pay. Therefore, he is not required to fulfil the duty
of pilgrimage until he has repaid the loan.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )