Athan &

Q45 :In some non-Muslim countries, the use of
loudspeakers is prohibited by law. How can Muslims in these countries
make their call for prayer?

A45 : Muslims in these countries should abide by
the law of their country. Islam does not encourage civil strife or
conflict with authorities. Moreover, there is no requirement in Islam
that requires the call to prayer to be through loudspeakers. At the
time of the Prophet, the call to prayer was made by Bilal or other
netpanions of the Prophet who used to climb on the roof-top of the
mosque and make the call to prayer by word of mouth. They did not
employ any device which was likely to make their voice heard over a
longer distance. The use of loudspeakers in Muslim countries was
introduced only recently, when cities became densely populated and a
call to prayer was heard only in the immediate vicinity of the mosque.
However, if there are certain factors which prevent the use of a
loudspeaker, it should not be used. No one will be accountable to Allah
for not using a loudspeaker to make the call to prayer. If the call to
prayer is made in the mosque, it is well and good. It is perfectly in
order, however, that the Muslim netmunity in a particular country or
city should approach the authorities for a permission to use
loudspeakers in mosques to make their call to prayer. If their request
receives a good response, and permission is granted to them they may go
ahead and use loudspeakers. If not, they can continue to call for
prayer without this additional device.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )