Polytheism creeping into people’s

Q459 :I have read a Hadith which states that
“polytheism may be more subtle among my nation than the movement of an
ant on a black stone in the dark night.” Could you please netment on
what is metaphorically expressed here. How to diagnose this? And how to
purify oneself from it?

A459 : This authentic Hadith warns us against
entertaining any thoughts or indulging in any practices which smack of
polytheism, although they may not appear to have any relationship with
faith. It also aims to keep us on our guard so that we may watch our
actions and examine our thoughts in order to always ensure that our
faith remains free from elements which detract from our sincerity and
dedication. As you are well aware, Islam places very strong emphasis
on the need to maintain sincerity of faith. That can only be achieved
if our actions are dedicated to Allah and if our devotion to Him is
pure. Every human being may profess himself a believer. However, true
faith can only be expressed through actions. It is for this reason that
the Prophet defines faith as that “which is instilled deeply in the
heart and to which credence is given through actions.” If somebody
professes to be a firm believer and that he associates no partner with
Allah in any shape or form, he must confirm these statements with
actions. If he does not, his claim is false. He may be in actual fact a
polytheist or at least he may allow elements of polytheism to creep
into his mind. It is perhaps useful to look at certain actions which
involve such elements of polytheism. The first that springs to mind is
hypocrisy. I do not mean here the sort of total hypocrisy which is
practiced by a person who knows himself not to believe in Allah and the
message of Muhammad (peace be upon him) and yet professes to be a
Muslim. Such a person knows that he is not a believer. When he is alone
or with people like him or those who are open enemies to Islam, he
acknowledges his lack of belief and that he wishes Islam ill. What I
mean by hypocrisy here is the sort of hypocritical attitude in people’s
dealings when a person, for example, shows his superiors at work that
he is totally devoted to them and that he is keen to serve the
interests of the establishment in which he works, but his claims are in
fact false. Moreover, if a person praises another and extols his
qualities to a degree of clear exaggeration, without actually being
honest about what he is saying, his attitude is hypocritical. When we
realize that to practice “even very simple and elementary hypocrisy is
polytheistic,” this benetes very clear to us. Another aspect of such
subtle polytheism is that evidenced by actions and feelings such as
loving someone or something although that love may lead to or involve
some injustice and to hate another although it may lead to or involve
some injustice. A true believer must always be on the side of justice

and must fight injustice in every shape and form. Allah states in a
Qudsi Hadith: “My servants, I have banished injustice away from Me and
I have made it forbidden to you. Therefore, let no one of you be unjust
to another.” A person of sincere faith will be naturally and
instinctively inclined to the side of justice. When that does not
happen and he favors injustice in any situation, then he is after
self-interest. The same is true when he dislikes or disfavors justice.
Any person who allows himself to maintain such an attitude places his
self-interest above basic Islamic principles. That is clear evidence
that he does not have firm beliefs. His faith is suspect. That is a
mark of subtle polytheism. Perhaps a clearer example of what the
Prophet described as subtle polytheism is to believe that a human
being, dead or alive, or something such as a charm or a shrine or
whatever, can cause benefit or harm. A believer in the Oneness of Allah
is one who attributes to Him everything that netes to him in the way
of benefit or harm. A true Muslim always prays Allah to ask him to
fulfill his wishes whatever they are. He knows that the realization of
his hopes and the fulfillment of his aspirations can only nete with
Allah’s help. Similarly the avoidance of any trouble and the relief
from any evil or hardship that happens to any one can only be
acnetplished by Allah. Therefore, he asks no one else for such help.
But many people do not realize that when they believe that a certain
person or a particular thing can be of benefit to them or can cause
them evil, they are elevating that person or that thing to the degree
of partnership with Allah. Islam allows nothing of the sort. Allah
states in a Qudsi Hadith: “I am the least desirous of any sort of
partnership. Anyone who associates with Me a partner from among My
creation, I abandon him to that which he claims to be My partner.” This
means that Allah rejects any person who associates any partners with
Allah. Whomever Allah rejects will never prosper. That association of
partners with Allah does not necessarily take a deliberate form. It is
not necessary that a person concerned is aware that he believes that
Allah has partners on the same level with him or even on a level
beneath him. The fact that he believes that a person or thing can cause
him benefit or harm is a manifestation of polytheism. The Prophet warns
everyone against entertaining such thoughts. He says: “Whoever humbles
himself in front of another in order to achieve any worldly gains loses
two-thirds of his faith.” All these attitudes and similar ones are
often unrecognized by people as forms of polytheism. In order to ensure
our awareness and keep us mindful of what we believe and what thoughts
we entertain, the Prophet uses such a highly vivid picture, describing
certain elements of polytheism as more subtle than the movement of
ants. When you remember that an ant may travel the whole length of your
arm or your body without you feeling anything at all, you will realize
how serious the whole question is. It is very important for every
Muslim to examine his thoughts and beliefs every now and then so that
he may purge any alien thought and maintain purity of faith.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )