Athan for

Q46 :Is there any authentic Hadith to confirm the
desirability of the practice of calling the athan at a short distance
from the ear of a newborn baby?

A46 : Abu-Rafi, a netpanion of the Prophet
reports: “I saw the Prophet (peace be upon him) calling the ‘athan’
close to the ear of Al-Hassan ibn Ali (the Prophet’s grandson) when his
mother Fatimah (the Prophet’s daughter) gave birth to him.” (Related by
Abu Dawood, Ahmad, At-Tirmithi and others). You see there is a Hadith
which is related by quite a few of the best known scholars. There is
another Hadith reported by Ibn Abbas which gives further support to
this one. This means that the practice is renetmended. If someone does
not do it, he misses reward from Allah for not practicing what is
renetmended. However, he violates no principle of Islam.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )