Prayers: Correct direction of

Q473 :It has been discovered in our country that the
direction of the qiblah in many mosques was incorrect by a few degrees.
An expert made it clear to people that they must amend their direction.
Some people are confused and still maintain the old direction, while
others have stopped neting to the mosque. [A mosque is built in that
direction with the management and imam continuing the practice of
leading prayer in the old direction.] Some argue that a difference of a
few degrees did not matter much! Please netment.

A473 : If this man who has declared the need to
amend the direction of your mosque is truly an expert in this
particular area and he is well known in your netmunity as being a man
of honesty and integrity, then you must follow his advice. People need
not worry about their past prayers. Those prayers are correct and
valid, since the people had done their best to demarcate the direction
of the qiblah [and then if there is a difference of a few degrees it
will not matter as it was done with best of intentions; without
knowledge of being in the wrong]. I am amazed that people should worry
about amending the direction, if they are sure that the man’s knowledge
is sound. It is their duty to make sure that everything related to
their prayer is done correctly. The old direction is not sacrosanct.
The proper direction is the correct one which is most probably the new
one, if the man is really an expert in this field. I will give you an
example. If you are offering prayer in a place where the direction of
the qiblah is not marked and you could not determine it in any way, you
need only try with whatever means you have at your disposal to
determine correct direction. If you cannot then you start your prayer
facing the direction you think may be correct. If during your prayer
someone familiar with the place enters the room and finds you facing
the wrong direction, he should tell you how to amend your direction,
suggesting that you turn so many degrees to your right or to your left.
You should follow his instructions immediately without stopping your
prayers, even if he tells you to turn 180 degrees, i.e. facing the
opposite direction, you should do so and continue your prayer, not
repeating any part of it. Although this may happen just before you have
finished, your prayer is correct and valid. If you do not respond to
his instructions, then your prayer benetes invalid. Your original
direction was chosen when you did not know which way to face. Once
information has been received, you should act on it.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )