Prayers: Covering

Q474 :If there is a Hadith which requires men to
expose there ankles, is there any need for more clarification by
scholars? My friends argue that rulings are needed only on those
situations which are not mentioned in the Qur’an or the Hadith.

A474 : It is true that when you have a Qur’anic
verse or a pronouncement by the Prophet (peace be upon him), which is
directly related to a certain situation, then no one can give a special
ruling on the matter. However, there are numerous situations in which
the role of a scholar is to relate the statements available to each
particular case. In such situations, verdicts are required and these
take the form of a religious ruling or a fatwa. This task should never
be under-estimated. It is very important task and can only be done
after a thorough study of Islam and how rulings are deduced from
available statement. You speak about men being required to expose
their ankles and ask whether there is any need for any clarification by
scholars. What I can tell you is that if there is any Qur’anic verse or
authentic Hadith which explicitly makes this requirement, then no one
can argue about it or make a statement that differs with it. But such a
requirement is certainly not mentioned in the Qur’an. I have not seen
or heard of any Hadith which aspires to any degree of authenticity
which makes that requirement of all Muslim men. Indeed, the reverse is
true, because in cold winter days, the netpanions of the Prophet (peace
be upon him), and other Muslims used to wear what is known as “khuff”
which is a pair of soft shoes which normally cover the ankles.
Moreover, the netpanions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to
wear socks and wipe over them, when they needed to have ablutions or
wudhu. It is well known that socks cover the ankles. Having said
that, I should perhaps explain that in the early days of Islam, it was
socially considered a sign of arrogance for any person to wear a dress
lower than the middle part of his legs. That [social consideration]
meant that the proper dress of a man reached down midway between one’s
knees and one’s ankles. To show any sign of arrogance or to demonstrate
conceit is forbidden in Islam. Hence, the insistence of some scholars
on the need to wear what is modest and far from suggesting conceit.
Nowadays, most Muslim societies have a different view of appropriate
dress for men. Many are the Muslim netmunities where the normal dress
is that of a suit, socks and shoes. This means covering of ones legs
including one’s feet. If this is the normal type of dress, it follows
that it is perfectly acceptable to wear during prayers. Otherwise, if
we were to insist on the same length of dress which used to be worn in
the early Islamic days, we would require anyone who wears a suit to
take off his shoes and socks, and fold up his trousers. This is totally
unnecessary because it neither follows a Sunnah nor gives a decent

appearance. I can tell you that a great deal … is being said by
people who have little knowledge of Islamic fiqh. There is simply no
virtue in exposing ankles, whether in prayer or outside it. Anyone who
has a different view should support it by evidence from the Qur’an or
the Hadith.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )