Prayers: Offered especially for
one’s needs

Q484 :Is there a special prayer or supplication
which one may offer for the acnetplishment of a purpose which one needs

A484 : If you badly need something to be
acnetplished, then the advice given by the Prophet in an authentic
Hadith that you do a good ablution, washing every organ well and making
sure of adding what is renetmended in a proper ablution, such as
washing your face, arms and feet three times instead of once, etc. You
then offer two voluntary raka’hs trying to concentrate well on your
prayers. When you have finished, you do your supplication and request
Allah to grant you your purpose, whatever it is, as long as it is
something permissible. According to the Hadith, Allah is certain to
answer your prayers either immediately or at a later time of His
choosing. In another Hadith, the Prophet tells us that if Allah chooses
to defer answering a particular prayer of ours, He rewards us for it in
the life to nete. When we will see what He gives us instead, we should
wish that He had not answered a single supplication of ours in this
present life, but had stored it for us in the hereafter. In the light
of the foregoing, I can add a little word of advice. Although the
purpose you are keen to have acnetplished is perfectly appropriate and
understandable, it may be that its postponement or non-acnetplishment
is better for you and the person concerned. While it is appropriate to
continue to request it in your supplication, you must not feel
downhearted if it is delayed. Allah is certain to choose for you what
He knows to be better for you.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )