Prayers: Use of a prayer

Q494 :Some people pray at any place such as foot
path, a courtyard or an open field. Some do not even use a prayer mat
or any sheet of cloth or paper, although these places may not be all
that clean. How far is this acceptable?

A494 : Enumerating the privileges Allah has granted
him over other prophets and messengers, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon
him) included the following: “The whole earth has been made to me (and
to my nation) a place of worship and a source of purification.” This is
a reference to the fact that a Muslim may pray anywhere provided that
the place is free of impurity. It also refers to the fact that
purification is achieved through dry ablution. Therefore, it is
perfectly permissible to offer prayers in the sort of places you have
mentioned, provided that we make sure that there is no impurity where
we pray. It is perfectly acceptable that we offer prayers on the
pavement, by the side of the road, in a field or a garden or anywhere
else. No prayer mat is necessary, except in as far as it is cleaner to
use one. From the religious point of view, a prayer mat has no

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )