Prayers: With hope that wishes are

Q497 :We wonder at times whether our prayers will
ever be answered. We may face a problem, endure an illness, contend
with difficulty or suffer an injustice. We take whatever measures
available to us to overnete the problem, correct the injustice or get
proper medical treatment. But that may not be sufficient. We realize
that we need help which often cannot be given by any human being. That
help could nete only from Allah. Hence, we turn to Him with our
supplication, hoping that our wishes are soon fulfilled. At times, we
experience the fulfillment of our prayers neting straight-away. Often
we feel it slow-neting. This makes us wonder whether Allah has accepted
our prayer and will grant us what we have requested of Him. Hence the
question is asked: What is the factor which guarantees that prayers are

A497 : There is a simple formula. A person who puts
a request to Allah should first of all be sincere in his attitude. He
should purify himself physically and mentally which means that he
should repent of his sins. It is unthinkable that a person indulges in
sin and at the same time requests Allah to grant his wishes, some of
which are purely materialistic. He simply does not show any regrets
that he has exceeded the limits set by Allah. How does such a person
expect Allah will answer his prayers, when he does not expect the same
treatment by his fellow human beings. If he has offended someone, he
knows that he cannot ask that person a favor. Yet, he expects favors
from Allah when he persists in offending Him! The first pre-requisite
for answering our supplication by Allah is repentance and seeking
Allah’s forgiveness. This repentance should be sincere, not a mere
verbal statement which we repeat like parrots without putting any
thought into it. The second requirement is that one should not be
hasty. We should not precipitate Allah’s actions. He answers our
prayers in His own good time, but always in the way and at the time
which is best for us. Indeed, we must not entertain any thought that
our prayers may not be answered. Abu Hurairah quotes Allah’s Messenger
as saying: “The supplication of any one of you is answered as long as
he is not hasty, saying: I have prayed Allah and my prayers were not
answered.” (Related by Al-Bukhari, Muslim and others). In this Hadith
the Prophet advises us against giving up or thinking that our prayers
may remain unanswered. A person may get disenchanted and stop praying
Allah. If he does this, his attitude is interpreted as one who
considers his supplication as a favor or he may imply that he has done
enough supplication to warrant being answered. This suggests, by
inference, that he considers Allah’s favors unforthneting, while he
should realize that Allah can answer any supplication and can easily
grant every single one of His servants all that he or she asks for.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )