Prophet’s intercession on the day of

Q521 :People back home maintain that the Prophet’s
intercession on their behalf on the day of judgment will land them in
heaven. Please netment.

A521 : People should rely only on their own good
actions and avoidance of what is forbidden. If their actions are good,
then they can hope to receive Allah’s grace and be admitted into
heaven. Indulging into sinful practices, in the hope that the Prophet
will intercede on their behalf is wrong, because that is no guarantee.
Besides, if you need the intervention of a highly positioned person to
have a particular purpose of yours acnetplished, you try to please that
person, so that he would use his influence on your behalf. How is it
that people allow themselves to act against the Prophet’s teachings and
seriously offend him, then hope for his intercession on their behalf?
Is not that too presumptuous?

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )