Prophets: Are they

Q525 :A well-known concept says that prophets are
sinless, but a tradition of the Prophet says that all human beings are
sinners. Please netment.

A525 : You speak of a well-known concept, but I do
not know it. Speaking to the Prophet, Allah says in the Qur’an: “Know
that there is no deity save Allah and seek forgiveness for your sins,
and for the believers, men and women.” (49;19). If Allah tells the
Prophet to include in his supplication a prayer for forgiveness of his
own sin, then the concept you are speaking about is false. We know,
however, that Allah has forgiven the Prophet all his sins, even before
they are netmitted. We also know that the Prophet was the most obedient
of Allah’s servants. Once Aisha saw the Prophet standing up in worship
in the middle of the night, despite being tired. She asked him, why did
he make such a great effort when he has already been forgiven all his
sins. He replied rhetorically: “Should I not, then, be a grateful
servant of Allah?” The Hadith to which you are referring is authentic.
It states: “All human beings are prone to error and the best of those
who err are those who repent.”

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )