Qur’an: How should one dispose of
sheets of the Qur’an?

Q541 :Qur’an: How should one dispose of sheets of
the Qur’an?

A541 : What is forbidden in respect of the disposal
of sheets of paper on which Qur’anic verses are written is any method
which could lead to desecration of the Qur’an. Thus, if you throw such
a sheet of paper in the dust bin, which will be later thrown on a
rubbish heap where every sort of dirt and refuse is thrown, then this
is a bad method of disposal of such sheets, as it leads to their
desecration, unintentional as that may be. Perhaps the best method of
disposal of sheets of paper on which Qur’anic verses are written is to
burn them. This may not be easy in some modern houses or apartments as
it represents a fire hazard. In such cases, it should not be done. An
alternative is to bury these papers, but one should be careful to dig a
deep enough hole not to allow them to surface again. It may be better
to put these sheets of paper in polythene bag and warp them before
burying them.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )