Qur’an: Reading during monthly

Q547 :A Muslim lady teacher conducts Qur’anic
classes in a mosque in Canada. She insists that it is appropriate to do
so when she is in her monthly period. Is this correct?

A547 : The view of the majority of scholars is that
a woman in her menstruation and a man in the state of ceremonial
impurity may not stay long in a mosque. They may pass through it but
they cannot sit there for sometime. Scholars rely on two Hadiths in
which the Prophet is quoted as saying: “I do not allow staying in the
mosque for a woman in menstruation or for a man in the state of
ceremonial impurity.” One of these Hadiths is related by Abu Dawood
while the other is related by Ibn Majah. The same scholars also forbid
reading the Qur’an for people who are in this state. However, Imam Ibn
Hazm and others, including Al Bukhari and At-Tabarani, are of the view
that it is appropriate for a man in a state of ceremonial impurity and
a woman in menstruation to read the Qur’an. None of the Hadiths quoted
to prevent it is considered by them as authentic. Similarly, Imam Ibn
Hazm states that it is permissible for a woman to enter a mosque and
stay in it when she is in her period. He points out the Hadith quoted
by others to prevent it and explain in detail why he considers them
inauthentic. The lady teacher in Canada might have considered both
views and concluded that the need for her classes is so pressing that
following Imam Ibn Hazm is appropriate for her. Or she may be a scholar
who considered the evidence supporting each view and made her
conclusion in favor of Imam Ibn Hazm’s view. In both cases, her action
is appropriate.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )