Qur’an: Special importance of some

Q551 :The Qur’an is the netplete code of living and
the book of guidance. In order to implement its netmandments, we need
to read it carefully and understand the meaning of its verses and
surahs. Many people, however, do not bother to try to understand it,
but read it like parrots, particularly people who do not read or
understand Arabic. Many are in the habit of reading surahs or verses at
particular times or on particular days. For example, they read the 18th
surah “Al Kahf” before Friday prayer, and the 67th Surah, “Al-Mulk”, at
the death of someone. The surah entitled, “Al-Waqi’ah”, is read after
Maghrib prayer with the feeling that this would ensure an increase of
provisions. People say that every surah of the Qur’an has its own
significance. My question is whether such a practice is Islamic or an

A551 : Your description of the Qur’an as a code of
living and a book of guidance for mankind is certainly correct. This is
how Allah Himself describes it. As such, it should be implemented in
practical life. This is the purpose for which it is revealed. It is
unthinkable to suggest that Allah has included in His book all the
guidance human beings need in order to conduct their lives and achieve
happiness, only for them to neglect it, or approach it in a very casual
manner, or read it without understanding, or merely reduce it to some
sort of singing material which is used by the media or in social
functions and occasions. The proper approach to the Qur’an is that of
the netpanions of the Prophet who used to read only a short passage of
the Qur’an and learn it properly, understand its meaning, and implement
its instructions, before moving on to study another passage. There need
be no argument about that. When you consider how people who join
political parties or intellectual and social clubs or groups deal with
the constitution of their organization, you are bound to be amazed at
the attitude of Muslims toward the Book Allah has made their
constitution in this life. In each of these cases, people study the
constitution of their organizations or party or club and familiarize
themselves with its objectives, methods of action and the ways and
means to achieve their goals. But in dealing with the Qur’an, it is
often the case that Muslims treat it in a very casual way. Allah wants
his Book to be the guide which shows human beings what to do in every
aspect of their lives so that they achieve the right balance and lead a
happy life, and fulfill their task of building a human civilization in
a very happy and relaxed manner. That calls for a clear and proper
understanding of the meaning of the Qur’an. You cannot be guided by
something you do not understand. Careful reading of the Qur’an which
aims at understanding its meaning and implementing its instructions is
very richly rewarded by Allah. However, not all people can read Arabic

properly or understand it. Although the meaning of Qur’anic verses is
translated into other languages, and most Muslims can have a
translation in their national language of the surahs and verses of the
Qur’an, yet people seldom bother to relate what they read in the Qur’an
to the meaning given in such translations. As such, their reading is
casual and has only the purpose of reading the words Allah revealed to
the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), His last messenger to
humanity. Is such a purpose encouraged? Is such a reading rewarded?
Scholars agree that reading the Qur’an by a person who does not
understand it and is only able to read it with difficulty earns a
reward from Allah. This is because when a person takes the trouble to
read the Qur’an although he does not understand it, he actually
expresses his love and reverence of the Qur’an and his acknowledgment
that it is Allah’s word. Moreover, he is motivated by the Prophet’s
encouragement to all Muslims to read the Qur’an, promising them that
for every letter they read they are credited 10 hasana or 10 good
deeds. This applies in all cases. Therefore, we should not try to stop
anyone from reading the Qur’an, even though he may not understand it.
The Prophet has mentioned that certain surahs have special importance,
but the general notion that every surah has a purpose for which it is
read is certainly mistaken. It is renetmended, for example, to read the
18th surah Al-Kahf, on Friday. But we are not told that the Prophet
continued to read particular surahs at particular times in the way
described by my reader. What we know is that the Qur’an is a netplete
book and every part of it is equally important. It is true that the
Prophet mentions that the surah entitled, “Al-Akhlas”, or “Purity of
Faith” is equal to one third of the Qur’an, but this refers to the fact
that it states in a very short and precise manner the principle of the
Oneness of Allah which is the cornerstone of the Islamic faith. This
Hadith does not mean that when you read this surah, which is written in
a single line, you are given the reward of reading one third of the
Qur’an. For reading it you earn the same reward as you read any surah
or passage of the Qur’an which is of equal length. We are encouraged
to recite the Qur’an everyday, at all times. Therefore, if one decides
to do this reading at a particular time and reads, say, one or two
paras every day, he is well advised to continue with this system than
concentrate on reading special surahs at special times. The Qur’an
remains a book of guidance and blessing. Whenever we read it we are
bound to benefit by its blessings.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )