Qur’an: Standardized

Q552 :For fourteen centuries we have not been able
to translate the Qur’an well enough. Differences of opinion still exist
among scholars. There must be some standardized translation and
standard interpretation of the Qur’an. Do you agree?

A552 : In its original form in Arabic, the Qur’an is
expressed in a fine, inimitable style of surpassing excellence. No one
has ever been able to write anything similar to the Qur’an in its
literary beauty. The most that Arabic speaking men of letters can
aspire to is the use of some Arabic expressions in their writings to
add to the beauty of their style. To translate the Qur’an into any
other language retaining its beauty is a task beyond human endeavor.
The Qur’an is Allah’s word He Himself has expressed it in His own
style. To express it in similar power in another language requires that
Allah Himself reveals the Qur’an in that other language. That task is
up to Him to fulfill if He so chooses. He tells us that He wants His
message in Arabic and that is His choice. It is very difficult for the
best of translators to translate a text of human writing into another
language, retaining all its power and beauty. That is why you may have
several translations of the same text. Each will have its own merit. To
have a standardized translation of the Qur’an may be useful but it is
something very difficult. That is due to the fact that it is almost
impossible to capture all the nuances and shades of meaning that a
particular Qur’anic expression may have. Translation is meant to help
us understand the message of the Qur’an. Each translation goes some
length into achieving that. Therefore, they are all valuable.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )