Qur’anic orders: Compliance

Q554 :Are all words of the Qur’an obligatory? Are we
netmitting a sin if we fail to act upon any single word in the

A554 : We cannot speak of words as being obligatory
or otherwise. [I suppose] what you mean is whether every order included
in the Qur’an signifies an obligation. There is a general rule which
says that every order stated in the Qur’an to the believers is
obligatory, unless it is scaled down from that status by certain
factors. There could be an explanation by the Prophet, whether in words
or action, or another statement in the Qur’an that explains its
significance. This applies positively and negatively, which means that
an order to do something constitutes an obligation, while an order not
to do something signifies a prohibition. For example, we read in the
Qur’an: “Believers, avoid most kinds of suspicion, for in some cases
suspicion is a sin. Do not spy on one another, nor backbite one
another.” (49;12) The last two orders concerning spying on others and
backbiting are of general import. Therefore, they signify a total
prohibition. A Muslim may not spy on his neighbor or try to find
secrets of others just to be curious or to learn their secrets and weak
points. Nor is it permissible for a Muslim to backbite another person
in any circumstances. The first order in this same verse is limited by
its own phraseology. We are ordered to avoid suspicion in most cases.
This signifies that at times suspicion may be in order. We read in the
same surah the following order: “Believers, if an evil-doer brings you
a piece of news, inquire first into its truth, lest you should wrong
others unwittingly and then regret your action.” (49;6) Hence, when we
hear information about other people, we must not jump to conclusions.
We must first make sure of the truth of what we have heard. The
information is kept in the balance until it is proven to be true. Some
orders in the Qur’an signify a renetmendation rather than an
obligation, but to be treated as such, there must be some supporting
evidence. For example, God says in the Qur’an: “Children of Adam, dress
well when you attend your mosques.” We know that the netpanions of the
Prophet used to nete to the mosque wearing whatever was available to
them, or their working gear. The Prophet did not tell them not to nete
to the mosque in such an attire. This tells us that we are strongly
advised to dress well when we go to a mosque for prayer. If that proves
difficult in certain situations, then wearing clean clothes, although
they may be old or not good-looking, does not render our prayer
invalid. If there is a general order which signifies obligation, then
failing to act on it constitutes a sin. We should be clear in our minds
on what is meant by a sin. It is something that is punishable by God.
So, if we fail to act on a Qur’anic order, we place ourselves in a

position where we are liable to be punished, unless God is pleased to
forgive us.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )