Qur’anic recitation: Wages

Q556 :For generations, my clan has held the position
of mullah in our netmunity. This title signifies “religious leaders.”
Our function is to lead prayers in mosques, and religious functions and
advise people on religious matters, etc. We do not receive any payment
in cash or kind for these services. Sometime, however, we are invited
by others to read the Qur’an for them, and when it is finished, the
host gives his guests a grand feast. He also offers them whatever
[Added: some remuneration of cash or kind]. Please explain whether it
is permissible to receive remuneration for the recitation of

A556 : To read the Qur’an is an act of worship, for
which one is rewarded. We have learned that we are credited with good
deed for every letter of every word of the Qur’an we utter. On the
other hand, to invite people to a meal and to be hospitable to them is
an act of kindness which strengthens social ties. Therefore, it is
encouraged by Islam and the host receives a reward for his hospitality.
So, both actions are proper and acceptable. However, when you netbine
them and make the latter i.e. the feast, attendant on the former which
is the recitation of the Qur’an, you are making a ritual which needs to
be considered according to the teachings of the Prophet and the
practice of his netpanions. What happens on such an occasion is for
everyone of the guests to read a part of the Qur’an, probably one
thirtieth. Combined together, their recitation is considered to
netplete the Qur’an. Since no person can read the Qur’an netplete in an
hour or two, his guests are considering to be doing him the privilege
of netpleting over a very short time. Hence, he is exceptionally
hospitable to them. What should be said about this practice is that the
reading of the Qur’an in this fashion has little to do with the purpose
for which the Qur’an has been revealed. Allah has sent down the Qur’an
as a guide for mankind to take them out of darkness into light. To
achieve that purpose, they have to study and understand it and to
implement it in their lives. When we recite the Qur’an, our purpose is
to understand and implement it. When you hold a function like that
which you have described, you set in motion a mechanical operation of a
quick reading with little understanding and even less implementation.
Had the Prophet wanted us to do this sort of activity, he would have
told his netpanions and they would have practised it. As it is, nothing
of this sort is recorded in the authentic books of sunnah. Therefore,
we can dismiss it as an innovation. Moreover, it is far from right to
receive remuneration for reading the Qur’an. You do not charge money
for worship. Whether you take money from your host or accept his
hospitality only, the fact that he is giving this grand reception for
the benefit of having the Qur’an read in his home makes the whole thing

rather unacceptable. The host would have received much more reward if
he invited a number of poor people to his home and gave them a good
meal. Similarly, he would receive much greater reward if he recites a
part of the Qur’an each day and finishes it within a month or a week.
[Added: or whatever period].

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )