Religious scholars: Unnecessary

Q565 :Most of those who have a religious standing
have only scanty knowledge of politics, economy, business, science,
industry, law, defense, etc. Why do they, then, want to interfere in
each and everything? Their interference creates a hindrance to the
advancement of the Muslim nations. Should they not confine themselves
to the mosque and religious matters?

A565 : It is too simplistic, indeed naive, to think
that the mosque is the only domain of religion, particularly when the
mosque is viewed as a mere place of worship. Nor are religious matters
confined to personal and family concerns such as marriage, divorce and
parenthood. The domain of religion is life itself and the role of man
in life. Hence, everything that affects human life and the progress of
human beings is of interest to religion and religious people. It
should be remembered that the Islamic faith, and indeed those religions
preached by God’s messengers, were revealed from on high. This
revelation is meant to be a guidance to mankind to enable it to lead a
happy life and to ensure that civilization is built on the right basis.
When you consider the social ills that plague the most advanced nations
of today, you realize that these nations are suffering from these ills
because modern civilization has concentrated on material progress and
abandoned the spiritual side of human existence. When a scholar of
religion looks at any aspect of life, he is not interfering in
something that does not concern him. Indeed every aspect of life is his
concern. God has provided guidance for us in His last message conveyed
by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) which enables us to set such
aspects as you have mentioned, including politics, economics, business,
industry, law, defense, on a sound basis which will promote human
progress and ensure human happiness. Yet God has not made His guidance
in these matters too detailed to make it rigid. He has laid down
certain principles which serve as a framework within which we have the
freedom to choose the system that is most appropriate for us. These
principles must be maintained, and the framework respected. Within
them, we have a flexible system that can be adapted to any human
situation and any degree of advancement that human beings may achieve.
But you have a point if you are referring to those religious scholars
who give rulings about matters without studying them thoroughly. I know
that this takes place. What I have to say about it is that it is
unbeneting of a scholar to issue a ruling based on what former scholars
who lived centuries ago have said, without looking thoroughly at the
problem in hand. It he is not conversant with a particular field or
branch of study, he should have the moral courage to say, “I do not
know.” But when you say that these matters do not concern religious
scholars, you are the one who is in the wrong.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )