Respect: Three types of

Q572 :In an argument I recently had with my brother
concerning the celebrations of anniversaries of scholars and religious
people, he pointed out that in our language we distinguish in three
different types of respect. The first is that which we offer to Allah.
This is plain worship and Allah is described as Ma’bood, which means
the one who is worshipped. The second type is respect which is due to
parents and elders. This is called Ihteram. The third type is a
position in between, which is called “Taazim”. This last type does not
tantamount to worship, but it is the one which we should show to the
Prophet, his netpanions and other pious and highly religious people. He
argues that this is not to be confused with associating partners with
Allah. Please netment.

A572 : I am afraid your brother’s argument is rather
lacking in accuracy. He suggests that the three degrees of respect are
peculiar to your language, when the three words he has used to identify
them are Arabic ones. Indeed, Arabic uses all three terms for exactly
the same meanings you have described. Hence, to suggest that in Arabic
we have only two degrees and to make this a reason for confusion over a
very serious matter is not valid. However, let us consider this
argument for a moment. He suggests that a certain group of people are
entitled to a position in between respect and worship, which he calls
“Taazim”. This is a claim which requires supporting evidence from the
Qur’an or Sunnah. Placing such people in this grade and claiming that
they deserve a particular position and treatment can have one of two
possibilities. It can be claimed to be a matter required by Islamic
faith and, in this case, it has to have clear basis in the teachings of
Islam. Anyone who makes such a claim has to prove it with evidence from
the Qur’an or the Sunnah. Alternatively, this is merely a concept
which is not related to Islamic teachings. If so, anyone who makes such
a claim should not press it on other Muslims. This is because he would
be pressing a concept of his own making and claiming that it is part of
our religion. The Prophet tells us that anyone who invents anything in
Islam, something which is not part of it, shall have it rejected. I can
tell you very clearly that there is no statement in the Qur’an or the
Hadith which suggests that any person should be treated in a special
way to give him a place above other people. Hence, the only alternative
is that it is an invention and every invention is to be rejected.
Moreover, to speak of a rank in between that of Allah and that of
ordinary human being is not something new. The pagan Arabs in Makkah
claimed such a position for the idols they worshipped. The Qur’an tells
us that they used to claim that they only worshipped those idols so
that they could benefit them by drawing them closer to Allah. That did
not make them anything but idolaters. The Qur’an denounces their

attitude and describes them as idolaters who associate partners with
Allah. Therefore, when people claim such a position for other people
and consider that those latter ones have some sort of privilege which
enables them to improve the position of others with Allah, they are
actually claiming for them a position of partnership with Allah. This
is not acceptable in any way. Moreover, why should people insist on
glorifying certain other people? What do they gain by such
glorification? The fact is that when people attend the death
anniversary of someone who is claimed to be a saint, they nete out at
the end of that function feeling satisfied with themselves, because
they consider that they have done something which pleases Allah. The
opposite is true. They have done something which displeases Him and
they should feel very unhappy with themselves. If people want to please
Him, they have to make sure what actions do please Him. Since He has
sent a messenger to mankind to show them the way to gain His pleasure,
then they should look up to that messenger in order to know what to do.
Earning Allah’s pleasure can only be achieved by following the practice
of His messenger, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He did not tell
us to assign a grade of “Taazim” or glorification to any group of
people. If we do so, then we are introducing into the faith of Islam
something that is alien to it. This is not acceptable to Allah at all.
Allah accepts only what He has approved, either through revelations in
the Qur’an or clear instructions by the Prophet. Your brother’s
argument does not rely on any evidence of either type. As such it is to
be rejected.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )