Reward: Hereafter for non-Muslims
adhering to Islamic values

Q576 :Some non-Muslims appear to appreciate Islamic
values and principles. In practical life, they maintain good behavior
and they are kind to others. They refrain from sinful and evil actions.
Yet, they are not Muslims. The idea of converting to Islam does not
appeal to them because of what it may entail within their social
circle. Will such good people earn reward in the hereafter? Or, will
their good deeds be of no avail?

A576 : Of course there are good people among the
followers of other religions. The Prophet has recognized this. When he
was asked about the best people, he answered: “The best among them in
pre-Islamic days are the best in Islam, provided they understand it
properly.” In the first major battle the Muslims fought against the
unbelievers, the Prophet named a number of people in the enemy camp and
ordered that their lives be spared. Muslim solders were under strict
orders not to kill them even if they could, but rather they should take
them prisoner. These were people who did not take part in active
hostility against Islam. When we know good people among the followers
of other religions, we should maintain good relations with them. You
speak of some of them accepting the principles of Islam but are unable
to benete Muslims due to social pressures. This may be so, but we
cannot condone such an attitude. Ultimately, accepting Islam is
setting one’s relationship with Allah on the right footing. That takes
priority over all other considerations. You ask what will happen to
such people on the Day of Judgment. You have to remember that on that
day Allah is the absolute sovereign. He determines what happens to
every single one of His creations. It is not our job to decide what
will happen to any person, whether he is the best or the worst of
people. It is Allah alone who determines that. However, since we know
Islam, the word of truth and the message of Allah as given to mankind,
through his last messenger, we do not deviate from it. We cannot
condone the practice of these people giving too much weight to their
social considerations. We say that the relationship with Allah is
paramount. How Allah will treat them on the Day of Judgment is His own
business, not ours.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )