Sa’ie and jogging with a woman

Q581 :If one is doing the sa’ie with a woman
netpanion, his wife or mother, what should they do in the area where
pilgrims are required to jog? Should the man not jog or should the
woman jog in order to stay together.

A581 : Jogging between the two green lights in sa’ie
is renetmended for men but not for women. Therefore, if you are doing
the sa’ie in the netpany of a woman and you fear that if you leave her
to do the jogging and wait for her at the end of the distance, you may
lose her because of the over-crowding or if you think that your
stopping at the end will cause inconvenience to other people, then it
is better to dispense with the jogging and confine yourself to walking
normally alongside your woman netpanion.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )