Shortening the hair after

Q599 :Many people do not shave their heads at the
conclusion of Umrah. Is this permissible? If one wants to offer more
than one Umrah, how could he shave?

A599 : It is sufficient to shorten one’s hair, or
even to shorten a few hairs in order to fulfill the requirement of
Umrah. It is certainly more preferable to shave one’s head, since the
Prophet prayed three times for those who shaved before including [a
prayer] those who shortened their hair. However, if one prefers to keep
his hair for any reason, he violates no rule or regulation of Umrah. If
you have shaved your hair after netpleting one Umrah, and then you
performed another, you can fulfill the requirement of going over your
head with a razor.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )