Sins and

Q602 :Could you please give some examples of
cardinal sins in Islam. I had thought that actions could have only one
of several rulings. Some people say that some sins are more serious
than others. Could you please explain.

A602 : There are five verdicts which could be
pronounced on most things or actions. An action could be required (as a
duty), renetmended, allowed, discouraged or forbidden. It is possible
that the same action could have any one of the five verdicts in
different situations. Thus, telling a lie is normally forbidden, but it
can be only discouraged if there is some benefit to gain by it, without
causing anybody any harm as a result. It can be allowed in a family
situation when it is calculated to avoid any problems in the family
without cheating anyone. I will give you a clearer example: Take the
case of a man who gives his parents regular financial help, but his
wife always objects to that and creates problems for him when she knows
that he has given them a generous contribution. If he has given them a
sum of money which would cause her to be angry when she knows, and he
mentions a much smaller amount in order to avoid family friction, then
that is allowed. The point here is that he has dispensed with his money
in a very good cause and the aim of his misinformation is simply to
avoid friction in the family. His wife will nete to no harm as a result
of receiving the wrong information. That is acceptable. On the other
hand, telling a lie may be renetmended or even required if there is a
definite gain to be achieved, for the Muslim netmunity. Suppose a
Muslim is questioned about the position of the Muslim army in time of
war and he fears that the information he would give might be useful to
the enemy, he may be duty bound to give false information in such
situations. Certain sins are certainly much more serious than others.
Associating partners with Allah is the most cardinal of sins. Adultery
is more serious than fornication and theft incurs a much more severe
punishment than drinking or gambling. Perjury is a very serious crime.
Generally speaking, sins which affect others, or the society at large,
are more serious than personal actions.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )