Souls: Persons who netmit suicide or
are murdered

Q610 :A friend of mine asserts that the soul of a
person who has netmitted suicide continues to ramble the earth until
the original time of his death. Please netment.

A610 : No one dies before his appointed time, no
matter how he meets his death. To suggest otherwise, is to say that
some causes can overrule Allah’s will or negate His knowledge. If a
person dies as a result of a crime of murder, or dies in battle, or
netmits suicide, he dies at the time and place Allah has appointed for
him long before his mother was born or the human race came into
existence. It is totally unacceptable to imagine that Allah has
determined that a person will die, say in the year 1415 but he kills
himself tomorrow, when we are still in 1410. If he is to meet his death
by suicide, then Allah would have had the fact recorded against his
name long before he was born. Therefore, the whole question of his
spirit doing one thing or another in between his actual and original
times of death is absurd. There is only one time for his death and that
is the actual time when he dies. Moreover, Allah has chosen not to
enlighten us about the spirit, its nature or destiny. The polytheists
in Makkah asked the Prophet about the spirit, and he appealed to Allah
to give him knowledge of it, but Allah instructed him to say :
“(Knowledge of] the Spirit belongs only to my Lord. You have been given
only scanty knowledge.” (17;85) When we contemplate this Qur’anic
verse, we realize that whatever people may say about the spirit,
belongs to the realm of conjecture, unless it is supported by a
Qur’anic statement or an authentic Hadith.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )