Status as the best

Q614 :Why do we, Muslims, always think that we are
the best people on earth, whether we do well or badly. We believe as if
heaven is waiting for us. Such an attitude is certainly not helpful in
identifying our own faults. Please netment.

A614 : There is a Qur’anic verse which may be
rendered in translation as follows: “You are the best netmunity ever
raised for mankind. You enjoin what is right, forbid what is wrong and
you believe in God.” (3;110). If we consider this Qur’anic verse very
carefully we are bound to conclude that the status of the best
netmunity ever raised for mankind belongs only to a netmunity which
fulfills three conditions: Doing and enjoining others to do what is
right; refraining from and forbidding what is wrong and having faith in
God. If any of these three qualities is absent in a particular
netmunity, then that netmunity cannot be of the best type. Even when
people in that netmunity are good believers and always do what is
right, they still cannot be considered among the best if they do not
fulfill the other condition, which is “to forbid what is wrong”. In
other words, if people in that netmunity see wrong practices being
netmitted in public without taking any action to stop them, then their
status is certainly well below that of the “best netmunity”. Indeed,
the requirements of doing and enjoining what is right as well as its
counterfoil of forbidding and refraining from what is wrong make for a
great quality. They ensure that the corrective attitude is paramount in
the minds of people in that netmunity, urging them all the time to aim
for the best standard. The fulfillment of those three conditions is an
essential requirement for acquiring a “best” status. These requirements
can be fulfilled by any Muslim netmunity, regardless of its race or
ethnic origin. There is no hint in the Qur’anic verse that racial or
ethnic affiliation is of any importance in this regard. Therefore, any
Muslim netmunity, wherever it exists and whatever its standard of
development, belongs to this noble group whom God describes as “the
best netmunity ever raised for mankind”, provided that it fulfills
those three conditions: Doing and enjoining what is right, refraining
from and forbidding what is wrong and having faith in God.
Unfortunately, some of us take the first part of the Qur’anic statement
and claim that it is a description of Arabs, or Muslims in general.
They disregard the three conditions and claim, out of ignorance or
false self-esteem, that God has conferred this best status on the Arabs
generally. This is certainly a false claim that cannot be supported by
any evidence from the Qur’an or the Sunnah. It has two main defects.
One of them is that which you have mentioned; making us unable to
identify our faults and correct them. But the other and more important
defect is that we attribute to God what He has not stated. Thus, the

claim is false. Moreover, it is in conflict with the basic Islamic
principle which considers all people equal. Those who believe in God
are certainly better than non-believers because of having faith. The
more conscientious they are in implementing their faith, the better
they are. This applies to individuals and netmunities alike. Those who
practice their faith are better than those who do not, and those who
try to make Islamic teachings the guiding principle in choosing their
way of life are better than those who do not. The Qur’an denounces the
Christians and the Jews for claiming that they are the beloved sons of
God. “Both the Jews and the Christian say: ‘We are God’s children, and
His beloved ones.’ Say: ‘Why, then, does He cause you to suffer for
your sins? Nay, you are but human beings of His creating. He forgives
whom He wills; for God’s is the dominion over the heavens and the earth
and all that is between them, and with Him is all journey’s end.”
(5;18). So, any claim to a “favored” status must be supported by the
proper action. Therefore, those who think that heaven is waiting for
them with open doors to acnetmodate them, regardless of whether they do
well or badly, only deceive themselves. Moreover, good action must
always be based on proper faith. It must be motivated by the desire to
earn God’s pleasure. If it is not, then it is devoid of the very basis
that gives it value. It is through faith and good actions that we hope
to earn God’s pleasure and gain admittance into heaven in the

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )