Sunnah: Before

Q623 :After the athan of Maghrib, some people offer
two voluntary rak’ahs inside the mosque, before the obligatory prayer.
Other people say that it is forbidden to pray in between the obligatory
prayers of Asr and Maghrib. Please explain.

A623 : It is not correct to say that prayer is
forbidden between the obligatory prayers of Asr and Maghrib. Indeed,
prayer is not forbidden at any time. But it is discouraged to offer
voluntary prayer at certain times. These include the period from
netpleting the obligatory prayer of Asr until when Maghrib falls due.
And also from the time one has finished the obligatory prayer of Fajr
until the sun has risen well into the sky, i.e. about half an hour
after sunrise. It is also discouraged to pray at the time when the sun
is rising or setting or at the moment of midday when it is highest into
the sky. The reason for this last restriction is that Islamic worship
should not be confused with sun worship. The other two restrictions
are a matter of regulation. However, scholars have two different
approaches to this restriction. Some of them are of the view that the
original state of affairs is that prayer is permissible at any time. A
particular reason makes it discouraged in these specific times, so the
restriction applies in all situations. It cannot be waived. The other
approach is that the restriction is the initial state of affairs. This
means that when you have prayed Fajr or Asr, there is a restriction on
voluntary prayer. Therefore, if a new development takes place, such as
entering a mosque, doing tawaf, reading a Qur’anic verse which includes
a prostration, or sujood, then the new development takes precedence.
This means that if you have offered your Asr prayer and then went to
Makkah for tawaf, netpleting it before Maghrib is due, you may offer
the two voluntary rak’ahs known as the Sunnah of tawaf. If you go to
any mosque some time before Maghrib and you have already offered your
Asr prayer, you may offer two rak’ahs of greeting to the mosque. Both
approaches are equally sound, and whichever you may choose, you are
well advised. According to some schools of thought, two voluntary
rak’ahs are renetmended before the obligatory prayer of Maghrib. Also,
if you go to the mosque at the time when the athan is called, you may
begin with two voluntary rak’ahs of greeting to the mosque. That is
perfectly appropriate.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )