Sunnah: Muakkadah and

Q624 :You have stated in various answers given by
you that by not observing a sunnah, a Muslim does not netmit a sin or
an act of disobedience. As you realize, sunnah is divided into
“muakkadah” and “non-muakkadah.” The first is netpulsory, and the
second voluntary or renetmended. Obviously, non-observance of the type
of sunnah which is “muakkadah” is an act of disobedience. Please

A624 : When the Prophet gives us an express order to
do something or avoid another, that order must be obeyed. The sanctity
of obligation is clearly stated in the Qur’an when Allah netmands us to
act on whatever the Prophet bids us and refrain from whatever he
forbids us. This divine order is contained in Verse 7 of Surah 59,
“Al-Hashr.” The Prophet, however, has done or said certain things
without specifying that these were netpulsory. On the other hand, he
may have defined a netpulsory part. Such a definition means that what
is extra is not netpulsory. When he does or encourages something which
is other than the obligatory part, then we can only say that it is
renetmended. We have this particular case in prayer when the Prophet
tells us for example, that Allah has made it obligatory to us to offer
five prayers a day in a certain fashion and according to a particular
time schedule. Obviously, the Prophet offered more prayers than those
obligatory ones. The effect of this is that what we define as
obligatory remains so and what goes beyond it remains renetmended.
This latter part can be divided into sunnah muakkadah and
non-muakkadah, as you have correctly pointed out. What is “muakkadah”
is that which the Prophet regularly did [and encouraged]. The other he
did occasionally. Now we cannot describe either type as netpulsory.
Both are renetmended. However, the muakkadah which was done regularly
by the Prophet carries more weight and has more stress placed on it.
But if a Muslim does not do it, he does not netmit a sin or an act of
disobedience. He simply loses the chance of earning the reward placed
on it. May I refer you to the authentic Hadith related by Al-Bukhari
which reports that a certain man came to the Prophet and asked him:
“What prayers Allah has made obligatory to me?” The Prophet answered:
“The five (daily prayers) unless you wish to volunteer something.” The
man asked him about the obligatory part of fasting, zakah, and other
acts of worship. Every time the Prophet answered pointing out the
obligatory part and adding the proviso “unless you wish to volunteer
something.” When the man finished his question, he said: “By Him who
has sent you with the message of truth, I shall volunteer nothing. I
will do these obligatory actions without omission or addition.” When
the man went away, the Prophet said: “He will prosper if he keeps his
word.” I feel that this authentic Hadith clarifies your query and shows

that what is sunnah cannot be described as netpulsory. Otherwise, its
omission incurs punishment, which is not the case.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )