Supplication: Raising hands in

Q629 :A learned man has said that it is an
innovation to raise one’s hands in supplication after an obligatory
prayer. Is this correct?

A629 : It has been authentically reported that the
Prophet raised his hands in supplication during prayer. It is also
reported that when he raised his hands in supplication, his armpits
were seen through his sleeves. This report suggests that the Prophet
was not in prayer when he did so. His netpanions would have been
offering prayers with him. I see nothing wrong with raising hands in
supplication. I think that an element of splitting hairs is involved
when one says that you can raise your hands in supplication if you are
offering a voluntary prayer but you may not do so after an obligatory
prayer. I have not seen a Hadith restricting this practice.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )