Surah ‘At-Tawbah’ and

Q633 :Why does surah 9 not start with the normal
beginning which translates as “In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the

A633 : Surah 9 entitled ‘At-Tawbah’ or ‘repentance’,
exposes the true qualities of the hypocrites and threatens them with a
woeful doom. It can be likened to a stern warning made in the strongest
terms. Hence, an opening which stresses divine mercy and netpassion
does not seem particularly fitting to the subject matter of the surah.
Therefore, Allah has not started with the phrase you have mentioned
which begins every other surah in the Qur’an. To recite this phrase at
its beginning is forbidden because it constitutes an addition to the
Qur’an which is not part of it.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )