Umrah: Offered on the 9th, 10th or
11th of Thul-Hajjah

Q651 :The author of a book in Urdu says that Umrah
cannot be offered on the 9th, 10th or 11th of Thul-Hajjah, even if one
has performed the pilgrimage. Please netment.

A651 : If the author means that a person who is
offering the pilgrimage cannot do the Umrah on these days, he is
correct. Many pilgrims take the opportunity of being in Makkah in order
to do Umrah after pilgrimage. This particularly applies to those who
opt for the ifraad method of pilgrimage. These pilgrims should wait
until the 14th of Thul-Hajjah when they should go out to Al-Taneem or
any point at the boundaries of the Haram area where they enter into the
state of consecration (or ihraam), making their intention to do the
Umrah and nete back to Makkah to fulfill its duties. However, a person
who is not doing the pilgrimage may offer the Umrah at any time, even
on the day of Arafat, or on the day of sacrifice. Take, for example,
the case of a person traveling from Europe or Africa to Pakistan, India
or any Eastern destination. He makes a stopover at Jeddah for one day
or a few hours, during which he wishes to do the Umrah. There is
nothing to prevent him from doing so, if he has the necessary
permission (i.e. the appropriate visa). If such a person arrives in
Jeddah on the day of Arafat, he may go ahead and do the Umrah. There is
nothing to prevent him from doing so.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )