Wahabis &

Q665 :In countries of the Indian Subcontinent, there
are two groups of Muslims who call themselves Wahabis and Sunnis. They
are always engaged in vigorous arguments which may sometimes lead to
fighting. Nevertheless, their worship is very similar. Could you please
explain the difference between the two?

A665 : No group actually calls itself Wahabis.
However, people may call some of those who express certain views as
Wahabis, which is a name supposed to refer to the followers of Imam
Muhammad ibn Abdulwahhab who was a great reformer and scholar. He lived
in Najd over 200 years ago and worked hard to eradicate all innovations
from Islamic worship. Such innovations had crept into the practices of
Muslim netmunities due to ignorance and long periods of decline
undergone by Muslim netmunities. He maintained that the example of the
Prophet i.e. the Sunnah should be followed diligently. There is no
disagreement among scholars that this is required of every Muslim. It
is unfortunate that some of the practices which Imam Muhammad ibn
Abdulwahhab spoke very strongly against still persist in some Muslim
netmunities. These include such terrible practices as visiting the
graves of supposedly saintly people and asking the dead to intervene
with Allah on behalf of the visitor for any purpose. Such a practice
Islam shuns, since it is a manifestation of associating partners with
Allah. Imam Muhammad ibn Abdulwahhab belonged to the Sunni Muslims
who, by virtue of their name, should follow the Sunnah, or the example,
set by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) with diligence. Hence, it
is wrong to classify Muslims as Wahabis and Sunnis, since the followers
of Imam Abdulwahhab belong to the Sunni group of Muslims. The vigorous
arguments and fighting you have spoken of are certainly deplorable.
This happens, nevertheless, because people are sometimes too rigid in
their views. Those who insist on following the Sunnah of the Prophet
diligently should have the patience to teach their fellow Muslims, with
respect and netpassion, that some of their practices are unacceptable
from the Muslim point of view. Had they done so, they would find better
response by other Muslims.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )