When does a day start – according to
Islamic traditions?

Q667 :When does a day start – according to Islamic

A667 : A day starts at the time when Fajr, or dawn
prayer falls due. That takes place, roughly speaking, at about one and
a half hour before sunrise. The netmon practice of considering that a
day begins at 12 mid-night is simply an agreed convention. People may
have agreed to start a day at sunrise or at 7 o’clock in the morning
or at any particular time. From the Islamic point of view, it starts
with the first act of worship in a 24-hour cycle, and marked by a new
chance to earn reward from Allah for good actions which may be done
during the day. We have a hadith in which the Prophet is quoted to
have said : ” With every break of dawn, a voice cries out : son of
Adam, I am a new creation to witness your actions. Do make the best of
me because I shall never return until the day of judgement. ”

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )