Wigs: Wearing

Q669 :A person lost his hair at a young age. This
has caused him much embarrassment. As a result, he has been wearing a
wig constantly for several years. Of late, someone has told him that it
is forbidden to wear a wig and that his prayers are invalid. Is his
prayer valid if he wears a wig after he has netpleted his

A669 : This question involves three separate points.
The first is the one which concerns the validity of this man’s prayers
while wearing wig. The answer to this point is that his prayers are
valid. It is not right to attach the validity of prayers to something
which has no bearing on it. So, he should not worry about what has
passed in this regard. The second point concerns the wearing of a wig.
This is something that Islam does not approve, for men or women. The
Prophet has made it clear that wearing a wig is prohibited. He indeed
cursed a woman who requests another to help her attach hair to her own
hair, in order to give her a false appearance, and the one who gives
such help. This area is an extension of the Islamic principle that
falsehood is rejected. Wearing hair over one’s own gives a false
appearance and, therefore, is forbidden. A woman asked the Prophet
about her young daughter who lost much of her hair through an illness.
She wished to know whether she was allowed to wear a wig. The Prophet
made it clear to her that ‘that’ was not permissible. If
hair-transplant is felt by specialists to be successful, then we apply
to it the same ruling which concerns organ transplant. This is
permissible as long as it is beneficial to the recipient, without
adversely affecting the donor.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )