Birthday of Prophet Muhammad (peace
be upon him): Celebration of

Q68 :In many Muslim countries, the Prophet’s
birthday is celebrated with functions which include chanting slogans
and poems. Since some scholars participate in these functions, it is
assumed that they are appropriate. Please netment.

A68 : Neither the Prophet nor any of his
netpanions celebrated or marked his birthday in any way or manner.
Hence, we cannot attribute any particular significance to such an
occasion. What we have to remember is that our religion, as conveyed to
us by the Prophet, is netplete. Nothing can be added to it. Allah
Himself says in the Qur’an that He has netpleted and perfected our
religion for us. If something has been perfected by Allah, it cannot be
made “more perfect” by man through any additions or amendment. The
question is simple and straightforward. If the Prophet and his
netpanions considered celebrating the Prophet’s birthday to be part of
our worship, then why did they not do it? They cannot be accused of any
omission, since the Prophet conveyed Allah’s message netplete to us.
His netpanions were keen to fulfill every obligation and renetmendation
he pointed out to them. Since none of them celebrated the Prophet’s
birthday, it follows then that it has no particular significance.
Those scholars who take part in such activities either do this in order
to keep traditional practices, or they are not scholars at all. If they
know that such celebrations are not part of Islamic worship, then they
should try to enlighten people, not simply do what the people like them
to do. Otherwise, they would not have fulfilled their trust. If their
knowledge is innetplete, we should seek guidance from learned scholars.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )