Women: Hair

Q682 :Is it true that only married women may wear
their hair short, if they so choose? Young girls, it is said, do not
have this option. Their parents may not allow them to cut their

A682 : The whole notion of having one rule for
married women with regard to how long they should wear their hair and
another for unmarried women is absurd. Why should it be so? It is only
traditional values in a particularly society which make long hair more
desirable for women. In another society, the reverse may be true. But
this is not how things are determined in Islam. Islam sets rules to be
implemented everywhere. There is nothing to stop a woman from wearing
her hair short, if she so desires. The same applies to young girls. The
only thing that we must be careful about is that when women cut their
hair, they should not appear before ‘men’ strangers. Indeed, this
applies to all women regardless of how long they wear their hair.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )