Women: Restrictions

Q699 :A Muslim woman who is keen on abiding by the
teachings of Islam is nevertheless very assertive of her freedom. She
claims that there is nothing in the Qur’an to suggest that women cannot
travel alone. To her, freedom means that she can travel wherever and
whenever she wishes. Please netment.

A699 : This lady is partly right. There is nothing
in the Qur’an to suggest that women cannot travel alone. May I suggest,
however, that it is also not mentioned in the Qur’an that we should
pray five times each day. We are only netmanded in the Qur’an to attend
regularly to our prayers. The number of times we should pray every day,
and how we should pray and the time range for each prayer and the
number of rak’ahs included in each, and what part of our prayer is
obligatory and what is voluntary are all matters that have no mention
in the Qur’an. Nevertheless, every Muslim the world over and in all
generations knows that we must pray five times each day, within a
specific time range for each prayer, and our five prayers include 17
obligatory rak’ahs and some voluntary ones. Moreover, there is no
disagreement among Muslims on the form our prayers should take or what
should be included in it as a matter of duty. If anyone denies any part
of these facts, he runs the risk of being considered a disbeliever,
because he is denying something of Islam which is essentially known to
all people. The same can be said about numerous aspects of the faith of
Islam. Only a few regulations about pilgrimage are mentioned in the
Qur’an, but there is little difference among scholars on what parts of
pilgrimage are essential for the netpletion of this important duty.
What I am driving at is to emphasize that it is not necessary that
something is specifically mentioned in the Qur’an for it to be
obligatory to all Muslims. We have a general rule clearly stated in the
Qur’an which tells us that we must obey the Prophet, whatever he
netmands us. Allah says “So take what the Messenger gives you, and
refrain from whatever he forbids you. ” (59 ; 7 ) This Qur’anic verse
illustrates that the Prophet’s orders have Allah’s support. This is
only right because, in whatever relates to the religion of Islam, the
Prophet only conveys to us Allah’s revelations. In the Qur’an Allah
tells us, referring to the Prophet : “This fellow man of yours has not
gone astray, nor is he deluded, and neither does he speak out of his
own desire : that (which he conveys to you) is but ( a divine )
inspiration with which he is being Inspired. ” (53 ; 2-4 ) Therefore,
what you should explain to this lady is that Islamic orders can be
given by the Prophet, and all Muslims must abide by them. The Prophet
has told all Muslim women not to travel alone, because Islam takes good
care of women. When a woman finds herself in a foreign country, on her
own, she may be vulnerable to a variety of risks. Having her husband or

a male netpanion who is a close relative of her by side will ensure her
safety and protection.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )