Women: Travel by

Q706 :Is it acceptable for a woman to take a taxi or
limousine or to be driven by the family driver when she is alone or
with her young children? If not, how can women arrange their transport
if they must go out to attend to an important duty during the working
hours of their husbands?

A706 : What Islam censures is that a woman be alone
with a man in a situation which may lead to something forbidden. That
happens when they are behind closed doors. This does not apply to
traveling by car or taxi. Therefore, she and her husband must make sure
that she is safe when she uses a taxi. What we have to understand is
that there are circumstances when a woman needs to go from one place to
another when she cannot be driven by her husband in their family car.
Consider, for example, the case of a nurse in hospital whose working
hours clash with those of her husband. How is she to arrange her
transport if the hospital does not provide with that facility? The
practical thing is to make arrangements with a limousine netpany which
employs trustworthy drivers. If she makes such arrangements, she is not
at fault. Once she is certain of her safety and that she will not be
exposed to any harassment, she may have such an arrangement, or she may
employ a regular driver.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )