Women: Unacceptable treatment of

Q707 :I am referring to a practice which is found in
many parts of the world. If a woman is walking alone, she is subjected
to a great deal of teasing. If a woman is seen in the marketplace,
many a young man try to touch or tease her. What does Islam say to

A707 : In the early days of Islam, when the Muslim
netmunity settled in Madinah and began to establish the first Islamic
state, there were many non-believers, hypocrites and Jews in the city.
Such people did not pay any heed to Islamic standards of propriety and
decorum. On the contrary, they recognized that Islam placed very great
emphasis on morality. All those people were hostile to Islam. They
wanted to have a go at it and tried to irritate the Muslim netmunity.
Some of them felt that one of the easiest ways to irritate the Muslims
was to direct their abusive remarks at chaste Muslim women. The Qur’an
takes such people to task, warns them that they must desist from such
practices immediately, or they will be expelled from Madinah. At the
same time, Muslim women were netmanded to wear modest dress and to
observe Islamic standards of propriety. The following passage of the
Qur’an refers to those events: “Those who malign believing men and
believing women without their having done any wrong, will surely burden
themselves with the guilt of calumny, and thus with a flagrant sin.
Prophet, say to your wives and your daughters as well as believing
women that they should draw over themselves some of their outer
garments (when in public). This will be more conducive to their being
recognized and not annoyed. God is indeed much forgiving, merciful.
Thus it is; if the hypocrites, and those who are sick at heart, and
those who try to cause disturbances in the city by spreading false
rumors will not desist (from their hostile actions), We shall indeed
give you mastery over them, and then they will not remain your
neighbors in this city except for a short while. Bereft of God’s mercy,
they shall be seized wherever they may be found, and slain one and
all.” (33;56-61) I think the answer to your question is very clear on
the basis of these Qur’anic verses. The action of those people whom you
describe is certainly forbidden. It is not at all acceptable from them
or from anyone else. There are three types of action to be taken in
order to remedy the situations you describe. The first is by Muslim
women who must always bring their behavior in line with Islamic
teachings. They should appear in public in such a way which will make
them easily recognized as decent and chaste women. They must in no way
do anything that may be understood as encouragement to such people.
Secondly, the local netmunity must be on the alert to put an end to
such actions as and when they are taken. If young people begin to annoy
or irritate Muslim women, they must be taken to task immediately.

Thirdly, the authorities should always be vigilant so that they can
punish such behavior in a way which deter anyone from trying to annoy
or tease Muslim women.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )