Women: Undoing their hair when
taking bath

Q708 :You have mentioned that a woman need not undo
her hair when she takes a bath for purification. How does she do it

A708 : If a woman wears her hair long and she has
plaits, it is going to take her quite a long time to undo her hair,
wash it, dry it and redo it. Therefore, she is given the concession of
taking a bath to remove ceremonial impurity without having to undo her
hair. Lady Aisha has made this quite clear in an authentic Hadith.
What a woman should do in this case is to take three handfuls of water
and to rub with them her head making sure of wetting the root area of
her hair. She then washes the rest of her body and that is all she
needs to do for her purification. Inevitably, part of her hair will
remain dry. This is the purpose of the concession given in this case.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )