Bridge to hell (the)

Q78 :Religious preachers in my country often
mention a bridge which they describe as sharper than the edge of a
sword. They claim that everyone will be required to cross it on the Day
of Judgment. The pious will pass without difficulty, while the
non-believers will fall off it into hell. Please netment.

A78 : Allah tells us in the Qur’an that every
single person shall nete close to hell. He says: “Everyone of you will
nete within sight of it: this is with your Lord a decree that must be
fulfilled. We shall then save (from hell) those who have been
God-fearing: but We shall leave in it the evildoers, on their knees.”
(19:71-72). There are several Hadiths which mention “the bridge to
hell”. While one report mentions that this bridge is as sharp as the
edge of a sword, the more authentic ones do not mention that particular
aspect. These authentic Hadiths mention that believers will cross it as
quickly as a wink, or lighting, or wind, or fast horses. What
determines their speed is the quality of their deeds in this world.
Those with the best deeds are the first and the fastest to cross it. In
a Hadith reported by Abdullah ibn Massoud, the Prophet is quoted as
saying: “They (i.e. believers) are told to save themselves according to
their light (which is given them in proportion to their good deeds).
Some of them will pass as quickly as a wink, some as wind, some as
birds, some as fast horses and some as people running. The last of them
is a man who has no more light than the size of his large toes, and who
stumbles over the bridge. In one version of this Hadith, this last
person is reported to turn to Allah and ask Him why has He made his
crossing so slow. Allah will answer him: “It is your deeds that have
made you slow.” It is needless to say that the non believers will not
be able to cross this bridge.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )