Charms and the black

Q90 :Would you please let me know what view Islam
takes of wearing charms? Many people believe in the bad effects of
black magic and feel that a charm will enable them to get rid of its
effects. How correct is that?

A90 : Black magic exists and it is mentioned in
the Qur’an. But it is also mentioned that magicians can only make
things seem to happen. There is no real substance to their work. In the
encounter related in Qur’an between Moses and the magicians whom
Pharaoh recruited to try to defeat Moses, those magicians were able to
show that their staffs and ropes were turned into snakes. Allah states
in the Qur’an, however: They were made to seem to him by the power of
magic as if they were moving. The way this statement is phrased is a
clear indication of the fact that a magician can only play on the
imagination of people. There is no real substance to his work. When
Moses threw his staff, Allah turned it into a real snake which
swallowed their ropes and staffs. When they realized that the snake was
real, they prostrated themselves, declaring that they believed in Allah
who had given Moses that power. People are affected by what they
imagine. It is quite possible for a person to think that he is ill and
he will soon benete ill. Hence, believing in magic can lead to certain
real effects. To practice black magic is categorically forbidden.
Indeed, it is tantamount to rejecting Islam altogether. To try to learn
black magic is also forbidden. To wear a charm in order to protect
oneself against black magic is not allowed in Islam. The Prophet prays
that no one who wears a charm may enjoy the effect for which he has
worn it. We know that the Prophet’s prayers are always answered. Hence,
if we want to protect ourselves against something, we should not wear a
charm, because to wear will bring the opposite effect. This applies to
all sorts of charms, be they in the form of natural precious stones or
specifically made by certain people. Nothing of this is permissible.
If one wants to protect oneself and foil the attempts of anyone who
resorts to black magic against him, he should read the Qur’an,
particularly the last two Surahs. This is the Prophet’s guidance and we
should abide by his guidance.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )