Charms or ‘taweez’ with verses from
the Qur’an

Q92 :Some people wear a charm or ‘taweez’ which
contains some verses from the Qur’an, assuming that it protects them
from other peoples’ evil eyes and the designs of wicked people and
devils. Some people attach charms to their children, newly constructed
houses, cars and animals. Yet others believe it would improve their
vocation and enrich them. What does Islam say to this practice?

A92 : It does not need a scholar to define for us
the purpose of the revelation of the Qur’an. Anyone who knows anything
about Islam will tell you that the Qur’an is a book which provides
guidance for mankind so that they may follow Allah’s instructions and
build a happy human life. It is implicit in this definition that the
Qur’an is meant for implementation. Allah has not sent down the
Archangel Gabriel with His message, the Qur’an, so that Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him), His last messenger, should convey it or
recite it in melodious voice to enchant his audience, or to make of it
a charm to wear in the hope of acnetplishing a particular purpose. If
we use Qur’anic verses in such a way, we are guilty of degrading
Allah’s words. The thought behind using Qur’anic verses in charms for
the purpose to which the question has referred to netes simply from the
fact that people do believe that verses are Allah’s words. Since Allah
is able to acnetplish any purpose He likes, then His words, – as people
mistakenly think – must have a secret power of their own. That is a
twisted argument. It is not the word used in a verse, or the verse
itself, which has a secret of its own. The Qur’an consists of words
which we use everyday in our own language. The fact that these words
occur in the Qur’an does not impart to them any special secret or
power. The Qur’an brings out its power and its goodness when it is
implemented in practical life. It is then and only then that people
realize how much happier they benete as a result of implementation of
Allah’s law. The words themselves and the ink with which they are
written are not different from any other words or ink. The Qur’an
provides for us a code of practice. If we follow that code and
implement it, we lead a happy life because that is the purpose of
Allah’s code. Moreover, we earn reward from Allah for carrying out His
orders. If we turn away from such an implementation, reducing the
Qur’an to a mere book through which we seek to have some blessings or
the acnetplishment of particular purposes, then we displease Allah and
achieve nothing. I can tell my readers in the clearest of ways that
wearing a charm does not achieve the purpose for which it is worn. It
does not matter what is written in it; wearing it is a sin for which
the wearer must repent and seek Allah’s forgiveness. Moreover, it is
sure that the purpose for which it is worn will not be achieved. That
is due to the fact that the Prophet has made a supplication to that

effect. He says: “May Allah not acnetplish the purpose of a person who
wears a charm.” (Related by Ahmad). The Prophet is also quoted as
saying: “He who wears a charm is guilty of associating partners with
Allah.” We know for certain that Allah answers every prayer or
supplication that the Prophet has made in the clearest and widest of
fashion. Hence, the surest way of not getting what one aims for is to
wear a charm for its acnetplishment. In some charms and amulets,
Qur’anic verses are written. Some of those who write such amulets and
charms ask the people to whom they give one to soak it in water until
the ink (or saffron) has dissolved and then to drink it. That does not
give him any blessing. It may give him a stomachache. The Qur’an may
be used in order to bring about a good effect. Allah describes the
Qur’an as “a cure for that which is in people’s breasts.” It is
permissible to read the Qur’an and then make a supplication to Allah
for any good purpose, whether it relates to the hereafter or to this
life. Allah answers prayers at all times, but a prayer said after an
act of worship, such as the recitation of the Qur’an, is more likely to
be answered. Why should one need to use a charm when he can use Allah’s
power and the Qur’an, His words, in the manner approved by Him.

Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )