Pardah     or an Islamic dress
Pendants     with Qur’an
Permissibility     and prohibition
Photography:     Is it permitted in Islam?
Photography:     Reliability of our views
Pilgrimage:     A duty owed to Allah; an outstanding debt
Pilgrimage:     A pillar of Islam
Pilgrimage:     Alongwith a child
Pilgrimage:     At other’s expense
Pilgrimage:     Conditions making it due
Pilgrimage:     Father’s pilgrimage
Pilgrimage:     Fulfillment of duty & reward are two separate things
Pilgrimage:     Hajj Akbar or the “Grand” pilgrimage
Pilgrimage:     How to do the tawaf?
Pilgrimage:     Inability to bear heat of summer
Pilgrimage:     Left unfinished
Pilgrimage:     On behalf of others, the order of preference
Pilgrimage:     On behalf of those enjoying good health
Pilgrimage:     Repeated pilgrimage, repeated sins
Pilgrimage:     Sacrifice through bank
Pilgrimage:     Some highly sinful practices
Pilgrimage:     Substitute pilgrimage for a fiancee
Pilgrimage:     Tamattu’ method
Pilgrimage:     Throwing stones at Jamrah in wrong order
Pilgrimage:     Wife’s Haj – an obligation for husband?
Pilgrimage:     With company loan outstanding
Pilgrimage:     With zakah money
Pilgrimage:     Women in ihraam
Pleasing     parents
Pledge:     An obligation that must be honored
Pledges     (made to Allah) and intentions
PLS     Bank Accounts in Pakistan
Plucking     of hair of eyebrows
Poets:     Description of poets in the Qur’an
Prohibition:     Gradual prohibition of intoxicants
Polygamy:     Not a Sunnah!
Polygamy:     Rectifying its abuse is a duty of the individual
Polygamy:     Rights of wives
Polygamy:     Unacceptable second marriage
Polygamy:     Why is it permitted? 
Polytheism     creeping into people’s minds
Poor     with deceptive look
Pork:     Prohibition of
Practices     common to other religions 
Prayer     & supplication: Must it be in Arabic?
Prayers:     Advanced on a rainy day
Prayers:     Air Travel
Prayers:     A time-related duty
Prayers:     Ahead of time
Prayers:     Changing places after a congregational prayer
Prayers:     Combined in pilgrimage
Prayers:     Commandment making it obligatory
Prayers:     Concentration in prayer
Prayers:     Correct direction of qiblah
Prayers:     Covering ankles
Prayers:     Covering head
Prayers:     Delayed and the acceptable reasons for delay
Prayers:     Delayed [Qaz’a]
Prayers:     Facing grave
Prayers:     Forgetfulness in prayer
Prayers:     Greeting the mosque
Prayers:     Interrupting prayer
Prayers:     Missed by mistake
Prayers:     Offered at mosque or home
Prayers:     Offered especially for one’s needs
Prayers:     Offering only obligatory prayers & the time range
Prayers:     Punishment for not praying?
Prayers:     Purity of clothes
Prayers:     Short or long prayers
Prayers:     Shorter prayers during travel
Prayers:     Sitting position during the prayers
Prayers:     Time range and the prayer called “Qazai Umri”
Prayers:     Towards Ka’aba – started by Jews or by Muslims?
Prayers:     Two congregations in a mosque
Prayers:     Use of a prayer mat
Prayers:     Voluntary prayer before Maghrib
Prayers:     With closed eyes
Prayers:     With hope that wishes are fulfilled
Prayers:     With shoes on
Prayers:     Women covering head during prayer
Prayers:     Women’s makeup
Prayers:     Women’s praying method
Predetermination     and accountability
Predetermination:     Can human beings avoid what is predetermined?
Predetermination:     Course in life changed at last minute
Pregnancy:     Shortest possible duration 
Pressure     and seductive temptation
Profits     offered by a leading Islamic publishing company
Prohibition     and permissibility
Promises     [for marriage] broken
Property     bought on installments
Prophecies     and the end of the world
Prophet     Muhammad (peace be upon him): A perfect human being
Prophet     Muhammad (peace be upon him): An ‘ordinary’ human being?
Prophet’s     Ascension to heaven: From a futuristic point of view
Prophet’s     birthday celebrations
Prophet’s     Companions
Prophet’s     hair and its reverence
Prophet’s     incision by angels
Prophet’s     intercession on the day of judgment
Prophet’s     special privilege
Prophet’s     stools, urine and shadow 
Prophet’s     wives
Prophets:     Are they sinless?
Prostration     or ‘sujood’ after the prayer
Prostration     related to reading Qur’an
Punishment:     An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
Punishment:     In the Hereafter 
Purification     from madi