
Theft: How Islam views theft Q643 :The Qur’an says :” As for the man or woman who is guilty of theft, cut off their hands in retribution for what they have earned, as an exemplary punishment ordained by Allah. Allah is almighty, Wise. But whoever repents after having thus done wrong, and makes amends, shall…

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Test tube babies: Islamic view Q642 :What does Islam say about test-tube babies, artificial insemination, sperm banks and the so-called “children-on-demand” techniques? A642 : Much is being said about the techniques now available as a result of what is termed the “revolution” in genetic engineering. There is the sperm bank which is used to fertilize…

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Terrorism & the Western media campaign Q641 :A study of world history would show that Islam and terrorism are extreme opposites. Then why all this tirade against Islam in Western media? I will be grateful for your comments. A641 : You are absolutely right. There is no meeting point between Islam and terrorism as practiced…

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Taxation: Can an Islamic government levy taxes? Q640 :As a student of economics, I am not exactly certain how the Islamic economic system operates. All I have been able to establish is that Islam does not approve of the interest-based banking system. It insists on an interest-free arrangement or one which includes profit-and-loss-sharing accounts. In…

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Taraweeh rak’ahs Q639 :I have read in a book that in Ramadhan, the prayer known as taraweeh and the tahajjud are one and the same thing. The author also says that the Prophet did not offer more than 11 rak’ahs of night worship on any night. How far is this true? A639 : Taraweeh is…

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Tahajjud: or the Night Prayer Q638 :Could you please give clear ideas about night prayer and its timings, maximum and minimum number of rak’ahs and the method of offering them. A638 : Night worship, or ‘tahajjud’, is a voluntary prayer which may be offered at any time during the night, after one has offered the…

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Tafseer : Ussul Al tafseer. and Tareekh Al tafseer Q637 :I will be grateful if you will kindly explain the meaning of the following two terms: Ussul Al tafseer and Tareekh Al tafseer A637 : The two terms are used in the study of the Qur’an and its interpretation. The term tafseer means, in its…

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Tablighi Jama’at Q636 :Members of an organization called Tablighi Jama’at travel for varying periods, extending at times to four months, when they go around the country, and to foreign countries, to preach Islam. Their aim and objective is to invite their Muslim brothers to the mosque for prayers. They take leave from their work and…

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Swimming by a young girl Q635 :My husband insists that our duaghter, aged five, should learn swimming, although the only available facility is in a co-education class of children in the age group 4-8. He also wants her to attend gymnastic classes. He believes that girls should learn these sports, especially as we are living…

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Surrogate motherhood and the position of the child Q634 :Does a surrogate mother have any potential rights to the baby she carries for an infertile couple? The sperm and the egg are provided by the natural parents. Will she be a third parent to the child with whom she has no genetic link? How would…

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